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[Hagar] gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me." Genesis 16:13

Though the pandemic has caused a fair amount of chaos, it has also provided opportunities I would never have otherwise. Namely, this semester my 21-year-old niece is completing her Christian Ministries degree by working as an intern in my chapel leadership class. What a joy in the midst of such sadness.

The latest chapel she worked hard creating was based on the verse above—the God who sees me. What a wonderful name of God! All of us, from little kids to adults, have had times like Hagar, where we feel alone in the desert of invisibility. But what an amazing God we serve.

El Roi, the God who sees me, reminds us that we are never unseen. Having trouble with technology, God sees you. Wondering if you are making a difference in the lives of your students? God sees you. Struggling to balance work and home life? God sees you.

In teaching this name of God to her students, my niece made a point I hadn't considered. This name of God was given to him by Hagar! Imagine that, God allows a woman who had run away from a bad situation give him a name that would support and uplift people thousands of years later. And considering the fact that God knew about this pandemic before the creation of the world, how awesome to be reminded that we are SEEN by the creator of the universe.

And at no more poignant time has God seen us than when he hung bruised and beaten on the cross. He saw you and he saw me and he loved us to death—literally.

Let me end with this. Notice that Hagar says, "the God who sees ME." What a personal name. She says ME, not a group or a nation or good people or happy people, but ME. And just like Hagar, God sees you personally, so lean into to that wonderful Savior. Amen.

Joanne Krafft, Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School, Las Vegas, NV


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