PSD School Ministries
Prayers Needed - Southern California Wildfires
As a result of a very significant Santa Ana wind event, several devastating wildfires have been burning in multiple areas in Southern California. Thousands of homes and other structures have burned, and unfortunately there have been fatalities and injuries.
Several of our PSD congregations and schools are in or near the fire areas, with some having to evacuate. As of this point, we are not aware of property damage to churches and schools but have been told some members and student families have lost their homes. We will provide more details to our district as we receive them. Please be in prayer for our brothers and sisters affected by these terrible fires.
We are excited about
Foundations of Lutheran Teaching!
Our mission is to support and equip school professionals for ministry in
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools.
The second cohort of classes will start August 18, 2025!
For more information please click here to be directed to the FLT website.

The Grantparent Program is a School Ministries mission project of the Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The purpose of the Grantparent Program is to provide tuition assistance to students in urban communities so that they can receive an excellent Christian and academic education.

Love Them to Jesus
The joyous celebration of Christmas is in our back window and the winter “blahs” have most likely set in. The days can be a little colder and drearier. The evenings are long and dark. It is easier to sit on the couch and binge-watch Netflix rather than get fresh air and exercise.
Into this long gray season comes a reminder of love. Red, pink and white are the colors we begin to see everywhere we look. Hearts appear in stores, coffee shops and schools. Valentine’s Day is a welcome respite in the middle of the lengthy winter months.