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October 2019 Devotion

Back in the early 90’s there was a movie called LA Story starring Steve Martin. Throughout the movie, the main character would receive personal messages from freeway traffic signs. It wasn’t God sending the messages, but I remember thinking, “how cool it would be if God did send us such direct messages?”

In staff Bible studies, I frequently talk about my desire for God to send me “billboards”. I have no doubts that God is real, but my stoic Lutheran heart doesn’t always feel God as much as my head knows Him. It might sound silly, but I sometimes wish God would take over a freeway sign or billboard to tell me personally that He loves me, even though my head is certain He does.

After one such staff Bible study, I arrived at my classroom where I saw a Post-It note on my desk that read “Jesus loves you so be happy 😊”. I HAD RECEIVED A BILLBOARD!!! I explained to the student who wrote it that she had no idea how important her simple note was to me. I totally believed God had used her to send me a message.

Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I am God”. Instead of taking “be still” as a gentle suggestion to rest and relax in God, I think it’s more of wake-up call! A reminder to stop looking for God in signs and just know that He is there in all things. There’s no need to search for something you already know is there! We don’t need a billboard to find Him. He’s everywhere! The first verse of Psalm 46 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble.” Isn’t it nice that God does send us little messages sometimes? He might not use freeway signs, instead, I think He sends us messages through other people. He places specific people in our lives on purpose. How cool is it that we can be used as God’s messengers and be billboards for other people?! I think sometimes we just need to do a better job of realizing those messages are from Him and take comfort in the fact that He is always with us.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for always being with us, in good times and in bad. Thank you for placing people in our lives who might say or do something at just the right time. Whether it be with our students, our colleagues, our friends and family, or someone on the street, help us to be willing messengers for You. Always help us remember to be still and know that you’ve got us. Forgive us Lord when we don’t see You as easily as we should.

In Your Name,


Amy Blain, Vice Principal, Middle School Science Teacher, Christ Lutheran, Brea


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