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I picked up the habit of reading later in my life than I care to admit, but better late than never. As of recently I’ve read a variety of leadership books. I’ve read books on how to set culture, books on how to interact with all different personalities of people, books on how to be a disciple of God, and books on how to be a Godly man in the family. I went through a phase last year when I would only read books about the psyche of Navy Seals. Every book has its own context, and every book explains the authors theory on “how to”. The authors are always well read and researched, and usually provide interesting insights on successful leaders and successful organizations. However, without fail, there is always one chapter in common. The “do” chapter. Every leadership book, every book about successful people, always have a chapter devoted to “doing”. You can read and discuss whatever you want, but you must do to be successful. It’s so important that a huge athletic company has made it their slogan.

When Jesus gives His disciples the great commission and says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) he is commanding us to “do”. It may sound simple, but it never really happens that way.

Doing is tough.

Doing requires time and energy.

The great commission is tough. It requires more than just time and energy. It requires the work of the Holy Spirit. But there is good news in that sentence, the Holy Spirit does the important work! He is the one “doing” through you. Through baptism, the Lord sends His spirit to us.

So, when facing the intimidating reality of witnessing, remember it is the work of the Spirit that is doing. So don’t be like me and just read, go “do”, through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Daniel Cattau, Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School, Las Vegas, NV


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