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August Devotion

Then he brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30

The context here is Paul and Silas are in jail on "trumped-up charges." Around midnight they start to worship God in prayer and songs. An earthquake happens, all the jail cells are opened. The jailer seeing this contemplates killing himself. But he is stopped by Paul and Silas because no one has escaped. The above-mentioned verse is what the jailer asks after all that has transpired. What a great question to answer! Sometimes we wish that all our encounters with non-believers were like this one!

The fact is God had been preparing the jailer's heart. So when He saw God's power displayed through the earthquake and saw God's mercy when he was on the verge of suicide. And when He saw Paul and Silas having joy and peace through a tough time, it was very easy for him to ask the question he posed in this verse. God wants us to be able to answer questions like the one the jailer asked. It might be from a family member, a friend, a student, who, like the jailer, has gone through some difficulty, and has watched our witness, and is now prodded by the Holy Spirit. To ask, "what must I do to be saved?"


Lord, help me to have a witness like Paul and Silas so that others will be drawn to ask us what the jailer asked Paul and Silas. Please help us to have peace in the storm and joy in every situation so that your name will be glorified and people come to the knowledge of your saving grace.


For Further Reading: Acts 16:16-38

Joel Held, Faith Lutheran High School, La Verne, CA


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