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                                           LEC 2022 Servant Event ~ Hearts of Mercy & Compassion

This year we will be working with Hearts of Mercy & Compassion. There are several ways that you can participate in this year’s Servant Event at LEC:

  1. Stop by the Servant Event Table and sign one of the three crosses that we will be delivering to 1st responders. You can even write a thank you card, thanking them for their service.

  2. Sign-Up for our Field Trip (space is limited)! We will be delivering the hearts and thank you cards to three different locations (Fire Station, Police Stations, Etc.) You will need to sign up at the Servant Event Table.

  3. Donate! Hearts of Mercy & Compassion never charges for those they serve. Click here to make your donation to help support this amazing organization:

  4. Take a Heart back home with you to “Celebrate & Encourage” a first responder in your city.

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                                       Sharing the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ


Hearts of Mercy & Compassion (HMC), Crosses for Losses provides a physical and spiritual symbol through the giving of hearts and crosses to families and friends who have suffered a loss or are experiencing the illness of a loved one. An HMC can also be given to celebrate a victory, honor service, as an expression of love, or to be an encouragement in the face of adversity. Given as a gift, each HMC provides the love and hope of Jesus through presence and prayer.

As we journey together, we can share in each other’s sorrows and celebrations. The heart itself is universal and conveys love. The color blue is the color of hope and the fish a symbol of God’s saving grace. Upon request, Lutheran Church Charities, working through churches, can provide an HMC at no charge.

Specialized Hearts of Mercy & Compassion can be provided for:

  • Hearts for Military Service: This heart is purple, which is a combination of the six military branch colors. It includes a decal from the appropriate military branch (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Space Force).

  • Hearts for First Responders: The blue heart will have the appropriate Thin Line decal (Law Enforcement-blue, Firefighters-red, Public Safety Service-yellow).

LCC never charges those we serve. We are able to do that with the support of donors.

For more information on the Hearts of Mercy & Compassion, Crosses for Losses Ministry:
Call:  866-455-6466


Hearts of Mercy & Compassion Video

2021, July Surfside, FL Hearts of Mercy and Compassion -

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