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Lutheran School Consulting

The purpose of Lutheran School Consulting Services (LSCS) is to strengthen and revitalize Lutheran schools so God's children are well served and His kingdom expanded.


LSCS focuses on the school and its ministry. As schools are strengthened, so are congregations and their ministries.

How does it work?

LSCS services include the following:


1. An Assessment Visit


A trained assessment consultant will visit the school and its supporting congregation(s) for one or two days. The primary purposes of this assessment visit are to identify school opportunities and challenges and to assess the probability of a positive intervention that will strengthen the school’s ministry.


The assessment process uses:

  • The school’s application,

  • The district education executive’s knowledge,

  • A targeted leadership survey,

  • Additional information provided by the school,

  • General constituent surveys, and

  • The assessment consultant’s observations during the visit.


These are used to determine relevant recommendations and assist the school in developing and implementing a plan to address those recommendations. There are two types of recommendations:

  • Recommendations that the church and school can accomplish without further LSCS intervention support, and

  • Recommendations that could be best accomplished with LSCS leadership and guidance. LSCS will cover the cost of the interventions that need outside assistance.


2. Follow-up Visits


There are a variety of potential interventions. The LSCS director will seek counsel from the district education executive and the consultant who did the assessment in selecting the appropriate process, potential individuals or LSCS consultants best equipped to serve in that specific school.

School Ministry ‘Expert’ Consultant

LSCS ministry ‘expert’ consultants have specific expertise to assist a school in developing and implementing strategic plans specifically designed for accomplishing the recommendations. This is usually a one- or two-day visit followed by continuing remote assistance and accountability.


There is the possibility that several different consultants with expertise related to specific recommendations could be working with the school simultaneously.


Schools interested in LSCS services must apply for the program.


The district individual with responsibilities for services to Lutheran schools will be asked to sign the application and to support it before the process begins.

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