My oldest daughter is getting married in October 2020, and for the last 15 months we have been planning an epic event paying attention to every detail from the design of the invitations right up to the most beautiful wedding venue! But then, in the middle of all our intricate planning the world was turned upside down when COVID hit, and it feels a lot like we are living in the middle of a bad soap opera. Like the rest of you, I have been inundated with bad news after bad news here in 2020. The uncertainties are numerous and now when planning I am forced to have plan A, B, C, and D with the hopes and prayers that we don’t have to go to plan E.
In times like these, most of us get down, depressed and often feel hopeless. Nothing seems to be right in the world. No one seems happy. The future looks dark. People are asking where do we go from here? WE GO TO GOD.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
The devil is hard at work right now not wanting us to remember in the middle of our disappointments, uncertainties, and failed plans that God is still and always has been in charge. With the armor of God surrounding us, the devil is the helpless one, NOT US! Yes, we all have a list of all the derailed events and canceled plans and numerous disappointments during this challenging season. Whether it is COVID or something else happening in your life right now be reminded in the truth that Jesus has it all covered. Jesus has already showed us how to cure all of the problems, He said LOVE. Love God, love yourself, and love your neighbor. Yes, we are all experiencing some very overwhelming things right now and we feel uncertain as our human plans are turned upside down by the world almost as if the writers of the soap opera are laughing at our pain. But Jesus already told us He has it covered; He is the real author of our lives.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Those are the actual words of Jesus Christ. God Himself, came down and told us to love one another and if we love Him and look to Him everything will be better than okay! We don’t need to worry about plan B, C, D or E right now. Don’t look at the list of disappointments and cancelations of today, instead I encourage you to look ahead. God is in control. TRUST GOD, He’s got this. I promise!
Michelle Hines, Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School, Las Vegas