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Daily Dose 5/28/2020

But when Jesus heard it he said, "This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it." Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was. John 11:4-6  

This may be a bit of a stretch, but look at this passage in light of the situation in our world. Could God have stripped COVID-19 from our world in a single breath? Yes! But He didn't, did He? Could it be that He didn't because He wants to be glorified through it? That is the question I am asking myself. Look at the last two sentences of the passage - Jesus loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus so He waited to go to them for two more days?! What? When He got to Bethany He found that Lazarus had died and both sisters questioned why He wasn't there, and both stated that if He was there Lazarus would still be alive. Grief. Grief at death, grief that Jesus wasn't there, grief of unmet expectations.

So often we associate grief with the death of a person, but really it is the death of expectations that causes grief. I know I am grieving situations that didn't happen because of this pandemic and I am sure you are, too. God, if you had wiped out COVID-19 then we could have...fill in the blank. But God didn't. In fact, some might think that God tarried a day or two longer than they would have liked in the whole "reopening" scenario, too!  

But what if God didn't BECAUSE He loves us? What if God didn't so that HE may be glorified through this? Are you pointing to Jesus in conversations you are having? Are you pointing to Jesus as you are talking through this with your family? Your church family? School family? Neighbors? Are you taking time to really see how God is glorifying Himself through all of this? New doors for proclaiming the Gospel are being opened! New ways of connecting with those previously far away are available for us to use. New tools are being utilized with far-reaching effects! People are seeking out God and coming right to our doorsteps! I am sure there are as many God-glorifying examples as there are people reading this (x10!) - we just need to see them and proclaim them.

I confess I haven't always looked to and pointed at Jesus in all that has happened in the last 10 weeks. In asking for forgiveness, I pray that the Holy Spirit opens my eyes to see the glory of God in all that is happening around me and makes me bold to share!

-Kim Violette, School Ministries Administrative Assistant


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