"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23
This past Sunday at my home congregation, Pastor greeted us with the question, "How's your Latin?" He went on to explain that this Sunday was known as "the Mercies of God" Sunday and shared the verse above from Lamentations. The book of Lamentations is generally ascribed to the prophet Jeremiah, as he was an eyewitness to the judgment of God on the nation of Israel. However, while the book describes in detail the anger of the LORD upon His people due to their unrepentant hearts, it also testifies to the goodness of God! "He is the LORD of hope, of love, of faithfulness, and of salvation." (Concordia Study Bible, 1978, 1983, page 1219)
Pastor asked us - via video on this beautiful Sunday morning - to look outside. He asked us to look at the sky and the trees. He asked us to listen to the birds - could we hear the doves and quail calling to one another? And he asked us - if we were blessed enough to have someone sitting beside us in worship - to look at that person. He asked us to look at the Bible on our laps or on the table. Did we see the mercies of God that were right in front of us? His Creation? His Nature? The Family He has given us? His Word?
In this time where so much is out of our control, we can find great comfort in knowing that God is in control - and He is unchangeable! Just as in the days of Jeremiah, God's steadfast love never leaves us, and His mercies are new each morning. Great is His faithfulness!
I challenge you to take a few minutes RIGHT NOW and look out your window and see His mercies! Look at your family and see His mercies! Pick up His Word and see His mercies! See His mercies and give Him thanks! It may just change your perspective and give you peace! Amen!
-Lynne Rose, School Ministries Early Childhood Consultant