One of the best byproducts of this time at home has been the (almost) nightly board games we have been playing with our two oldest children. We introduced them to Yahtzee this week, and as I pulled out the game, I found some treasures--about 25 old scorecards from the past. You see, the box of scorecards was my beloved grandparents'. It warmed my heart to see the handwriting of my Nana, Papa, and even my great-grandmother, Gap. How special it was to show our children!
I have so many wonderful memories with my grandparents, but something I will always remember about my Papa are the songs he loved. Every time my youngest requests we sing "If I Had a Pickle" at bedtime, I think of Papa. Every time my oldest plays "Don't Worry, Be Happy" on the piano, I think of Papa. Every time I hear "Have No Fear, Little Flock", I think of Papa.Â
Worry. Fear. Two things many of us have been feeling lately. But the words of two of those songs tell us NOT to worry, NOT to fear. Easier said than done, right?Â
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"Â -Matthew 6:25,27
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."Â -Luke 12:32
God wants us to turn to His Word for the comfort we need in times like these. He will calm our worries. He will calm our fears. He loves us. He is with us. Always.
Among the many things my Papa loved, he was a lover of songs, people, and Jesus. During these times, let the Lord speak to you through songs, through people, and, most importantly, through Jesus.
-Anna Preus, School Ministries Staff Assistant