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Daily Dose 3/24/2020

Just like everyone else, all of my planned events and activities have been canceled until ... well, we're not sure. Beyond my work schedule, my calendar is pretty open this week except for several events and meetings that can be accessed through Zoom or live streaming. 

I was sitting at my desk, working from home, and I looked at this little desk plaque on the shelf. I received it as a Christmas gift from a good friend, and today the words from Psalm 46 really came into focus. Be still and know that I am God. 

With all the concerns in the world, the constant reminder about why we are staying home, and the frustration to find two gallons of milk or a 6-pack of toilet paper, there is a message for me today. It's not really a message to be quiet, but to take time for the things that are really important. Without the usual full, busy schedule, I have (a little) extra time right now, time to do things that I usually don't make time to do. Perhaps take time to not rush through prayer, take time to look at that extra reading in a Bible devotion, take time to email or call a friend or neighbor, take a hike, take time to know that God is in control and be reminded what that means.

Help me, Lord, to use the extra time in my schedule to do something useful, but especially to stop and take time to remember that you are in control. Help me to Be still and know that you are God. Amen.


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