Administrators Leadership Conference
July 19-21 2023
Miramonte Resort and Spa, Indian Wells, CA
"Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17 (NIV)
This theme was chosen because every moment of our lives is an opportunity to love others and to love God. It's an opportunity to show our gratitude to the One who created us and equipped us with all of our gifts and talents. Because God has given us such an amazing hope in the gospel of Jesus, we are now called to set our minds "on things above, not on earthly things." We are to think of God's purposes above our own. Therefore, we live with radical love, which produces humility, kindness, honesty, integrity, diversity, compassion, patience, forgiveness, peace, and gratitude. Our fleeting moments are not meaningless. Instead, they hold eternal significance when we are "ALL IN" to live for Him.
We look forward to welcoming all of you to the beautiful Miramonte Resort & Spa, Indian Wells, CA, where we will study God's Word, strengthen ourselves professionally, and rejoice in the life we share together in Jesus Christ!
We are thrilled to welcome back Andrew McPeak from Growing Leaders! Andrew will be speaking to us on Dr. Tim Elmore's new book, A New Kind of Diversity. Your registration for this conference will include a copy of this book!
We are blessed to welcome Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty. Dr. Seltz will educate and equip us on informed action in support of religious liberty and educational freedom!
Additionally we are excited to welcome Dr. Jack Preus from Soaring Education Services.
Dr. Preus will speak on Emerging Trends in the K-12 Educational Ecosystem, From Mass Production Batching to Mass Customization Matching Forms of Education
District President, Rev. Dr. Mike Gibson will be our worship and Bible study leader.
Cost for this year's conference is $280 for partner schools or $320 for non-partner schools.* Please note that an additional, non-refundable $3 service fee will be added to all registrations. (Your spouse is welcome to attend for the full event at the participant registration fee. Meals only will be $160 for all meals or $46 for the banquet only.) *Partner Schools are those who have contributed to School Services for the 22-23 school year. Please contact for more information.
You will also want to book your hotel room using the links below. Hotel rooms are $119 +tax per/night for King rooms or $129 for Double/Double rooms.
Description: Over the last 30 years, we have witnessed a massive transformation in education. The K-12 ecosystem is moving from traditional "batched" approaches to more personalized "matched" options. Currently, over 8 million kids are already in forms of learning that did not exist in 1990. This shift in the education landscape is accelerating, and we must proactively prepare for these adaptations.
This session will explore expanding access to Lutheran education while offering unique and personalized options. We will delve into the most extreme, cutting-edge form of customized education - homeschooling - and explore how it finds its way into traditional education.
Dr. Preus will navigate the changing landscape of education and how we can adapt to meet the demands of personalized learning. This session will provide insights to help prepare for the future growth in demand for Lutheran education.
Conference speakers

Reverend Doctor Michael Gibson
President, Pacific Southwest District – LCMS
Worship and Bible Study Leader
Prior to his election as President of the Pacific Southwest District - LCMS in June 2018, Mike served as pastor of Christ Lutheran Church and School, Costa Mesa, CA from August 2006 to August 2018, leading the congregation’s vision of supporting, equipping, and launching people into mission locally and globally. He completed his undergraduate studies in Humanities at California State University, Sacramento in 1980, he is a 1984 Master of Divinity graduate from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO and was awarded a Doctor of Ministry degree in 1996 from Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, CA, with a focus on organizational pathology and leadership. He pastoral ministry includes Redeemer Lutheran Church, Huntington Beach, CA (1984-1987) and Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Milpitas, CA (Silicon Valley, 1987-2006).
President Gibson has been engaged globally in China and Southeast Asia for 20 years. His missional passion includes assisting the Body of Christ in understanding the growth of Christianity in the Global South and the beneficial influence that the Global South can bring to the church in the post-Christian Global North. His Personal Purpose Statement reflects this focus: “My purpose is to awaken within the Body of Christ a local and global perspective on the Mission of God and to influence organizational systems in order to free and empower them for mission fulfillment.”
He is the author of Out of the Bleachers and Onto the Field – How to Witness Without Hang-ups (CPH, 1992) and a contributor to numerous periodicals and books. His new book, “Mountains and Valleys – Living the Christian Life” is currently “under construction” in partnership with Concordia Publishing House.
Mike was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. He and Kathy were married in 1979 and live in Huntington Beach, CA. Kathy works at Concordia University Irvine as Assistant Director of Advancement Services. The Gibsons have two adult sons, Andrew and Tim.

Andrew McPeak, Vice President of Content
Growing Leaders
Andrew is a sought-after millennial communicator who brings a unique generational perspective to audiences. He is the co-author of Dr. Tim Elmore’s latest book Generation Z Unfiltered and he has shared insights from this resource with educators, coaches and business leaders around the country. Along with co-authoring Marching Off the Map, Andrew also co-hosts the Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore podcast.
Andrew also serves as the Vice President of Content at Growing Leaders where he and his team work closely with schools, universities and sports teams on effectively implementing Habitudes as a tool to teach life and leadership skills.
Andrew does events for:
School and University Administrators
College Students
Middle and High School Students

Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty
Dr. Gregory Seltz serves as Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty ( and Radio Host of the Weekly “Liberty Action Alert,” in Washington DC, igniting and fueling a uniquely Lutheran response to increasing intrusions, limitations and challenges by the government in the life of the Church, while educating, encouraging and equipping LCMS members and organizations to take informed action in support of religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and educational freedom!
LCRL provides input, education, advice, advocacy, and resources in the areas of religious liberty, Life, and Marriage seeking to engage in discussions in D.C. to establish partnerships and resources in our nation’s Capitol for the sake of our Churches, Schools, Universities, and Seminaries.

Dr. Jack Preus, National Director of Soaring Education Services
Dr. Jack Preus is an educational leader passionate about engaging teachers, school leaders, and ministries in advancing a full and lasting education through innovation and sustainable models. Jack strives to leverage creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit to bring Christian Education to students in communities who do not currently have access to faith-based schools.
Committed to this mission, he began his career as a teacher, coach, and administrator serving students at Orange Lutheran High School in Orange, CA, finishing his Doctorate in Educational Leadership at UCLA. In 2014, he joined Open Sky Education as a National Director, supporting the team to advance its mission nationally by growing its school networks (HOPE Christian Schools and EAGLE College Prep public charter schools) and its Christian wraparound programs (Compass Educational Programs).
Jack's role at Open Sky currently includes supporting a growing national network of Christian microschools as the National Director of Soaring Education Services, a division of Open Sky Education. In addition, Soaring works directly with school founders to assist them in launching Christian schools.
Jack has been married to his wife, Anna, for 18 years and has three children, Ella (14), Jack (10), and Abigail (6). Jack and his family reside in Gilbert, Arizona.

Hotel Information
Please book your own hotel room at the Miramonte Resort using the hotel registration button below or by calling (855)820-0744 and referencing LCMS PSD 2023 Block. The standard conference room is $119 per night for King room or $129 per night for room with two double beds. The last day to book rooms under our block of rooms is Saturday July 1st, 2023. Beyond that date there is no guarantee of a room under our conference rate.​
Conference registration fee includes dinner Wednesday, breakfast and lunch on Thursday, and breakfast on Friday. Refreshments will be hosted in Rachel's in room on Wednesday and Thursday night. You are free to plan dinner with friends where you choose on Thursday evening.