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Administrator's Resource Guide

Dear Partner in the Gospel:


As Paul stated in his greeting to the Philippian church, I too thank our God when I remember you. I am passionate about our schools becoming places of excellence to bring more and more children and their families into our schools so that they may come to know this great God which we serve. As Administrators serving in our schools, it is my desire to effectively resource and equip you with resources to help you fulfill the Great Commission.

 As a tool to help each of you in that endeavor we have compiled many resources and administrative tools in this area of our website. I hope you will take time to become familiar, as time allows, with the information linked to this page, as I believe there are many extremely helpful and valuable items here.

I also want to take this opportunity to offer you my help and assistance at any time. I am available to visit with you, your staff, and your board or leadership teams at your school. I also love to come and lead chapel at your school! My toll-free number is 855-856-5350, ext. 223, and my email address is

God bless and guide you, and give you much joy in your leadership!

Connected in Christ, in His service,
Rachel Klitzing
Executive Director of School Ministries

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-6

Call Information

Collected here is information to guide congregations to call, welcome and nurture positive working relationships with Ministers of Religion: Commissioned Personnel


Commissioned Ministers are those within the Pacific Southwest District (other than pastors) who have been called to their positions at a school or congregation.


Ellen Pratt works directly with rostering questions for all Commissioned Ministers. Call documents can be downloaded from an internal website. Please contact Ellen in School Ministries for the website link, username and password to obtain these documents.

Call Process Information:

Here is a great resource for your school, congregation, and school board to use regarding first Call candidates.

Checklist for Securing Personnel

Manual to Assist Congregations

Quick Reference Guide

Calls, Schmalls What does this Mean?

Call Information

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. - Hebrews 6:10

Consultancy Session Protocol

As a resource for our schools and leaders in the Pacific Southwest District, we will use a protocol employed by a variety of organizations, perhaps most notably the Young President’s Organization (YPO). The objective of these sessions is to provide a forum for each principal to receive counsel on a key strategic question facing his or her school. The protocol is as follows: the Principal/Executive leader provides the group with a brief and focused description of the challenge; then, the leader answers clarifying questions from the group before remaining silent while the group consults, offering potential solutions to the challenge. At the end of the session, the leader should walk away with new perspectives on the challenge, as well as a new set of peers to reach out to in the future, resources to draw upon, and actions steps to implement at his or her own school.


We invite you, as a school leader, to utilize this resource whenever you need to draw upon the expertise of other leaders. Please email or call Rachel Klitzing if you need more information. To fill out a consultancy form with your own strategic issue/problem or question, please use the Consultancy


Session Request Form linked below.


Consultancy Session Request Form


Consultancy Takeaway (Sample)


Consultancy Submission Form

Click on the videos for Consultancy testimonies from two of our PSD Administrators

Crisis and School Safety

Below are resources and links to help you talk with students and families in a crisis as well as tools to create a School Safety Plan.


Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools This website provides information, resources, training and technical assistance for schools that are developing emergency plans.

Links to Crisis Resource Information - includes how to talk to students and how to develop a School Safety Plan (being updated)

Crisis Plan Template

Crisis Response Box

Ministry Safe - A Complete Child Safety System

Model Emergency Response and Crisis Plan Template


All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Devotion and Chapel Resources

Each month we ask an educator in our district or a ministry partner to write a devotion for the website.  The current month's devotion is highlighted on the home page and you can find earlier devotions there as well. Just click "Read More"!

To download the most recent Chapel Talks devotions from LCMS School Ministry in St. Louis please click here.  

Lutheran Hour Ministries has many devotional resources.  To be directed to their website please click here.


Concordia Publishing House has devotional resources for purchase.  To be directed to their website please click here.


If you would like Rachel Klitzing to come and do chapel at your school, have a favorite devotion to share or would like to be considered as a devotion writer please email Rachel at


Legal Updates

Starting January 1, 2021, new medical exemptions for children can only be issued using the CAIR-ME website.  Click here for the registry website and more information.

Please take a look at this helpful handout to advise how to allow your staff to volunteer for events at your congregation without breaching Labor Laws. 

Beginning July 1, 2016, anyone who may apply a pesticide at a school or child care center must take a DPR-approved training course before making a pesticide application.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14

Marketing and Enrollment Resources

We don't want our Lutheran Schools to be the "best kept secret in town".  Shine your light and let your community know you are an excellent option in the education of the children in your community!  


Here are some helpful resources:


Lutheran Schools are the Best Place to Be!


Top 10 Traits of Quality Schools


25 Ways A Pastor Can Support Teachers


48 Outreach Success Strategies





This guide was designed for you, the Lutheran school principal, early childhood director, admissions director, or anyone interested in increasing or sustaining enrollment in your school. It is our hope that this will serve as a resource to help you achieve your goals. 

Download the Enrollment Playbook here


*Our Phoenix area Lutheran schools had a full page ad in a recent issue of Raising Arizona Kids magazine. Click here to view it!





ECE Marketing Report


Preschool Brochure


Marketing Mailer


Parent Survey


Marketing Video


If you are interested in using these marketing materials for your preschools please complete this form.  Someone from the EC Cabinet will be back in touch with you.


Social Media Policies

We are frequently asked for policies on Social Media for school staff.  On this page are samples of Social Media Policies that have been shared with us.


Acceptable Use Policy - National School Ministries Office


Social Media Policy Sample 1


Social Media Policy Sample 2


Social Media Policy Sample 3



Social Media
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