“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Several weeks ago, I had the wonderful blessing of traveling to Wisconsin to meet our beautiful new granddaughter. Watching my son and daughter-in-law in their new role of parents, I was struck by how different things are today. When my boys were babies, the crib was full of bumper pads, quilts, toys, and stuffies. Now the only thing in the crib is the baby. Today you can find an app to keep track of anything baby-related: feedings, sleep schedule, diaper changes. There are electronic devices and apparatus that provide sound and motion to soothe a fussy baby. I recall taking long car rides or sitting the baby seat on top of a running dryer. This makes me wonder what it will be like when my granddaughter has her first child.
Despite these changes, there is an important constant. My granddaughter is baptized into the same family of faith that her parents, grandparents, and many previous generations were baptized into. Jesus set the example for baptism when John baptized Him in the Jordan River at the beginning of His earthly ministry. Baptism will continue to be a means of grace welcoming people into the family of God through the water and the Word. What comfort and peace I have knowing my granddaughter has been redeemed by her Savior!
As we prepare to gather for the Lutheran Educator’s Conference later this month, I pray our theme verse will provide you comfort and peace in this ever-changing world we live in. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, does NOT change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Jesus will be the same loving Savior He has always been. We never have to worry that Jesus will be any different than what we know about Him from God’s Word. This same Jesus who died and rose again for our salvation is the same Jesus who loves and cares for us today and every day that God gifts us life on this earth. We have the blessed assurance that we will spend eternity with Jesus in our heavenly home. May you be filled with hope and confidence knowing Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
“Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come,
Still be our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home.”
--Diana Bartholomew, Faith Lutheran Academy, Las Vegas, NV